Will there ever be an official vB4 importer?


I've been on the fence for awhile now, considering the switch to Xenforo. The main thing holding me back is the lack of an officially supported importer for vB4. Is there a reason one doesn't exist? I don't even need it to import articles and blog posts if that's the issue. Just import all the forum stuff, threads, posts, members, usergroups, PMs, etc.

Just wondering if this is in the works or if there are reasons why it will never happen.
Still a large number of vB4 installations compared to other forum software (and e.g. WordPress with 1,890,240 sites):

vBulletin 4.x sites: 3,828,224
vBulletin 3.x sites: 18,078,656

Source: Gigablast (http://ma.tt/2005/01/search-meta-tags)
Once the big boards leave vB4 I bet that number will drop quickly, since many of the smaller forums copy them. Most people still do not realize that there are better solutions available. It's all about name and reputation now, it can go very fast after that.

On-topic: I can understand that people still want to see an official importer. It's also convenient to have that ready in the tools section, it gives people a better feeling about it.
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