Wiki on forum

As preliminary conclusion I found out that I don't like long posts.
Maybe I will not use the TOC inside one post at all and care more about the TOC for some posts instead.
I will show some examples in the next days, i have to finish an add-on for this before.

I have changed the html, now the box goes later to the right.

linked titles
What I really dont like is that we have all h2, h3 linked.
If I remember right we could use also something like "id name = post_id" instead to set <a href name on the title?
I have to look up ...

Individual or group?
A wiki is something people do for people (very often)

Some users in a forum need to be special, they need to show everyone to be in the top 10 of posters, and have won 13 times the "best post of month" blabla.

I don't know such people, and I never cared for them (maybe a fault),
but I am sure they exist, else we would not have so many add-ons for them.

Anyway ...

Left: A wiki is done by the people for the people => no user/name/poster for wiki-posts
Right: A users needs to show that he his special or whatever => big, big username for wiki-posts like in an article

What we do now?
From my point of view the "wiki-post" should have no user at all, nothing on the left like in a post, nothing at the bottom like in an article.
Again from my point of view: a forum can be something from people for people, at least the wiki should be.

And so, we need to use the article and get rid of the user-part
or do a new template
or do a new type of post.

I will view how to make a new forum type;
but only to have no infos about the user is no reason for that?
What else could be done with a new "post type"?

Integrating the toc? Something else?
I have no idea about this now ... go to gym ... hope to get some answers ...
While I have to edit typos, add some text and things like this,
I see again, that it makes no sense to have long articles on one page because editing really makes no fun.

Solution: Have something to edit text directly in the text (somehow with editable blocks?)
Or use shorter posts and a TOC for the posts.
More questions:

What do we want?

A wiki forum? All threads have special features?
A wiki forum? All threads can have special features?

Is it possible that we want to have some normal threads inside our wiki forum?

There is at least one case: If I make a list of all threads (I am not sure, where and how) and dont want to have all threads inside this list.
Maybe solvable with sticky threads? For threads to give extra information?

More questions:

Do we need an alphabetical list? Because we have the linklists a, b, c ... we can use above the thread-lists;
do we need a list with all threads also?
And where? On top of the forum? At an extra page?
Inside the forum instead of the normal listing?

And the biggest question maybe:

Do we need levels? pages beneath pages?
If so we can do:

show page x
-> show all children

show all children
-> show all children of children

What are these children?
Threads? Posts? Comments?
Here you can see the catalog add-on from tv

I am really not happy with both of them. It is somehow complicated like this:

1. You want to have the toc everywhere? Ok
You can use both, but
Slion gives every hx title a link; I dont want this.
tv wants you to use heading=x

2. You want to use this only in one forum? Ok
With tv you can limit, but with an exclude, means to save all you 212 forums as excluded?
No, you can change his add-on and use included instead.

Also you can use h2 everywhere in the forum and only in the wiki-forums you use heading=x
I am not sure, if i want to have different ways of heading!
If you use Slion he will attack all you headlines.

3. If you decide to use A, and later you decide to use B, you have the nice problem

change all h2 to heading=2 and delete all toc/toc or
change all heading=2 to h2 and add toc/toc everywhere

What can we do?
Have a new add-on, maybe?

I like to add toc/toc, because I decide where i want to have the toc!
But i also like to have a toc without doing anything.
Best way: If no toc, do it, if toc do it on this position!

But what can I do, when I dont want to have a toc? Then we need thread!
Either thread.is_special, do toc, or thread.is_special, don't do toc.

What we do if the Slion will not care for his add-on? We have to solve it for ourselves or change to tv.
And if tv will sell the add-on and tell us, it is private now? Same same ...

Hello, Mr. @Painbaker, you may want to do a perfect TOC?

I don't know what to do, now; you can see both here:

@Digital Doctor
Good that you are here, I have many small questions. :)
Currently, I am trying different ways so show categories and forums inside the Wiki.

The wikipedia-style is finished so far, but ... do we like that links on mobiles?

The list of users is done in the same size, but how often we click users there?
And how often people will click the subforums in the wiki?

Big questions for small problems or vice versa, what do you think about the link-list?

Somehow I dont like the middots at the beginning of a line. But to avoid breaks, I need more code ... and have more space at the end of the lines.

The normal behaviour is to remove them on mobiles; I am uncertain if or if not.
I am playing ...


First: show in style "wikipedia"; just text-links with a middot
Second: show in columns with pictures above, left
Third: show as columns, one with a picture.

I am not certain, If I will add an upload to xf_forum;
other infos are more important, like left, top, used css, width, height

Anyway, I just want to demonstrate how it could look.
With two subforums, I would possibly use large pictures, with 50 subforums I would use the wikipedia-style.
Today, I have finished the add-on to upload pictures to nodes;

Next steps are the forum_view, the slug and the wiki-post-addon itself.
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Exactly what I was looking for!
There are two things I would like to see, if you ever have time:
  • Deeper nesting (e.g. wiki/animals/cat), perhaps by being able to create category pages that list pages similarly to a forum category.
  • In PHP pages, the ability to choose between a file and a widget.

I've created a PHP page. Is there a way to point the site to a PHP page created within XenForo or is it expecting something like

Edit: Seems it's the latter. Adding a path to index.php works, but index.php? results in an error, so I can't pass arguments.

Any wiki suggestions for Robert9's wiki ?

Use Siropu's keyword linking for the wiki ?
I have bought this add-on, but I makes no sense for me.
I am booked until middle of August, so I cant work on anything.
After that job I will have a break for a week or two, then I will go on with the wiki and other things.
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