XF 2.0 Widget staffMembers show avatar User horizontal

Post your existing code and a link to the site, it is just about impossible for someone to interpret code from a image.

<xf:if is="$options.staffOnline">
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="block" data-widget-section="staffMembers"{{ widget_data($widget) }}>
<div class="block-container">
<h3 class="block-minorHeader"><a href="{{ link('members', null, {'key': 'staff_members'}) }}">{{ phrase('staff_online') }}</a></h3>
<ul class="block-body">
<xf:foreach loop="$online.users" value="$user">
<xf:if is="$user.is_staff">
<li class="block-row">
<div class="contentRow">
<div class="contentRow-figure">
<xf:avatar user="$user" size="xs" />

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