Widget Framework - Status Updates


Active member
Hi there! We miss two features about IPB and that is the Status Updates. The Widget Framework has a nice one, but, we'd love comments and likes to be a part of it as well.

Basically we would like Likes & comments under each one. It can replace the date, or date can be moved. Not a big deal.​
The above is an example of how it could look. Comments brings down the comments, like just a like. We'd like it to work like the current Status widget in Widget Framework so we can continue to use that framework. If it is possible, we'd love a 30second to 1 minute cache on it. Thanks! :)
Edit: Integration with Tag Me: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/bd-tag-me.386/update?update=596 Would be a plus.​
Also, currently the widget framework's status update has a bug that it would randomly post to someone's else's profile when using the quick update. We would like this to be fixed.​

We are willing to pay for this. Please tell us your price. :) We really want this.
The add-on [bd] Widget Framework has just received an update (v1.5.4) which includes fix for your problem (randomly posting to wrong user profile page). You may want to read and download here: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/bd-widget-framework.297/update?update=1803

Also, [bd] Tag Me suggestion should work in the textarea of the Recent Status widget. However, the @user in status won't be clickable though...
Sadly the developer had not replied back after offering to do this. Seeking a developer for this.
We are still seeking to get this developed and are still willing to pay a reasonable price.

As others have asked via pm if I'd share it if it gets made: As with all other addons we paid to get developed, we'd encourage the developer to release them to others. We personally don't set a price on them.
We are still seeking to get this developed and are still willing to pay a reasonable price.

As others have asked via pm if I'd share it if it gets made: As with all other addons we paid to get developed, we'd encourage the developer to release them to others. We personally don't set a price on them.
Well, this has been dragged for too long. If you want to pay to get this developed AND included in [bd] Widget Framework, please start a conversation with me :D
Done! If anyone would like to help let me know! :)

The price of getting it developed is $120.
Hi there! We miss two features about IPB and that is the Status Updates. The Widget Framework has a nice one, but, we'd love comments and likes to be a part of it as well.


Basically we would like Likes & comments under each one. It can replace the date, or date can be moved. Not a big deal.

The above is an example of how it could look. Comments brings down the comments, like just a like. We'd like it to work like the current Status widget in Widget Framework so we can continue to use that framework. If it is possible, we'd love a 30second to 1 minute cache on it. Thanks! :)

Edit: Integration with Tag Me: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/bd-tag-me.386/update?update=596 Would be a plus.

Also, currently the widget framework's status update has a bug that it would randomly post to someone's else's profile when using the quick update. We would like this to be fixed.​

We are willing to pay for this. Please tell us your price. :) We really want this.

I would love that!
Question: Whenever I update my status, it takes a LONG time for it to show up in the widget. Is there a way for this to show more immediately?
It should be in the edit widget. I don't have it installed so I can't help much. I just figured it was a caching issue.
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