Why should you buy XenForo

Adam Howard

Well-known member
If you're reading this, chances are you've been reading other threads and hearing a lot about how XenForo uses less resources. How's this for none optimal conditions.... 10 skins / 50 modifications, tweaks, and add-ons..... 500 people online

Page Time: 0.1701s

Memory: 6.5945 MB (Peak: 14.0333 MB)

Queries (13, time: 0.0109s, 6.4%)

You can't argue with those stats. :cool:
There should be no possible reason to run that many queries on a page that is meant to be responsive (as in any page other than things like rebuilding caches or installs/upgrades). That is just bad.
Current VB4 CMS are doing that :)
I can't believe a CMS page with only 5 block on sidebar can get up to 233 queries.

They says 4.1.11 save 30% of queries by caching templates. This mean there around 70 queries will be saved. Another time, I can't believe they use a hundred queries for just selecting templates.

The CMS use more than 200 queries while the forum page use only 20.
There must be something more to it. A poor add-on making a query in a loop to get rows instead of one query to get all rows (surprising how many times these little things happen with PHP devs, bascially because any 13 year old can get into it and think they are doing something amazing).
This is our stats with similar conditions:

Page Time: 0.1169s

Memory: 5.2892 MB (Peak: 6.4884 MB)

Queries (13, time: 0.0050s, 4.3%)

And this is with all addons disabled:

Page Time: 0.0760s

Memory: 4.6804 MB (Peak: 5.2227 MB)

Queries (6, time: 0.0034s, 4.4%)

The site is on a server with 274 accounts hosted. 2 xenforo forums and many other forums are active on the server.
Generating time, memory used and queries needed to render the page. XenForo vs. vBulletin (both performing the exact same function):

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