XF 1.5 Why Isn't This Template Hook Working?


Well-known member
listen to event: template_hook
event hint: message_user_info_text
callback: PosterOfMonth_Listener::userInfoHook


class PosterOfMonth_Listener

public static function userInfoHook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)
        if($hookName == 'message_user_info_text')
            //Creating the template
            $pomTemplate = $template->create('ls_pom_winner_ribbon', $template->getParams());
            //Getting the previous month winner from the model
            $user = XenForo_Model::create('PosterOfMonth_Model_PosterOfMonth')->getPreviousMonthWinner();
            //Attaching the params to the template
            $pomTemplate->setParam('winner', $user[0]);
            //Attaching the hookParams passed to function as params as well
            //Rendering the template
            $render = $pomTemplate->render();
            //Appending the render to the content
            $contents .= $render;

inside message_user_info template:
<xen:hook name="message_user_info_text" params="{xen:array 'user={$user}'}" />

...however, the $winner variable isn't accessible

What am I missing?
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