Why does my Xenforo do this?


Active member

Only does it for a few seconds or less, then shoots to the correct style. Only does it some of the time.. I finally got a screenshot of it though.
What you are seeing there is XenForo without CSS - I'm not entirely sure why your site is allowing the page to be rendered before CSS has been loaded though.
The site loaded and worked fine for me...i could only get it to display like that by clicking refresh then stop super quickly.
It does not do for at any other xenforo installation I have tried so far though so yeah....i don't have an answer or anything just adding what I saw.
also in the rendered html....i see this is missing from Kairospot
        <base href="[URL='http://xenforo.com/community/view-source:http://xenxero.com/']http://your.com/[/URL]" />         <script type="text/javascript">             var _b = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0], _bH = "http://your.com/";             if (_b && _b.href != _bH) _b.href = _bH;         </script>
Weird.. none of those names have any relevance to me. Xenxero or Your.com o_O

Well that is a line of code that i pretty much see in every xf installs source code being different for each site of course. (xenxero is my domain, I thought I changed all references in the code here but apparently not) I also messed it up pasting it in..

This is what it should read I think.

        <base href="http://kairospot.net/" />
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var _b = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0], _bH = "http://kairospot.net";
            if (_b && _b.href != _bH) _b.href = _bH;
Either that's from those styles

Wait, third party styles putting THEIR adsense and javascript in their releases? O_o shady.
This is a usual situation when you suddenly stop the rebuilding templates process. Try creating new style and wait for all templates to rebuild.

Sounds like something I probably did. So I need to completely restyle my theme again?.. Because it breaks when I export it now as well.

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