XF 1.4 Why can unregistered users not see images properly?

If I paste an image into a post, I see it as a full image. There is no need to click on it.

If an unregistered user looks at it, she sees a thumbnail e.g.


She can click on the thumbnail and see the full image, but a registered user can see the image at full size.

I have enabled Download attachments for Unregistered users.

Try toggling the permission off, saving, then back on again.
See if that updates the permission cache.

Other than that, disable all add-ons or disable listeners in config.php to check whether an add-on is causing the problem.
Please double check that you're not using the "Never" permission anywhere for the unregistered group for the "View attachments to posts" permission.

Also, double check whether you've set custom per forum permissions anywhere for the unregistered group that might be preventing this from working.

If you're still having problems getting this to work, please submit a ticket with ACP access details (so we can check the permissions) and we'll confirm.
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