XF 2.1 Which class for bold text?

Sal Collaziano

Well-known member
<p class="minorText">Please do not reply to this message. You must visit the forum to reply.</p>

I have too many people replying to email notifications. For God's sake I just don't understand humanity anymore. I've even removed ALL of the actual message that they're replying to. So they actually GO to the forum - and then come back to the email to reply.

I'd rather not add an html BOLD statement in there - so what can I replace "minorText" with? I need to make this change on all 96347 of my XenForo installations...
not the solution you are asking for but I have an autoresponder set up that tells them they need to respond in the thread or conversation.
That IS a very good idea. I should have thought of that myself. I'll use that as a plan B in the event I keep getting these replies... However, I THINK if I BOLD that line - it'll help. It amazes me that in 2020 so many people don't use the most common sense to reply where they're reading the message. The enormous amount of hand-holding this society needs is mindboggling.
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