XF 2.1 Where to edit the Logo code?


Well-known member
I'm looking to replicate and try some different things in the top header area where the logo is. Can someone direct me where to edit this code? Not looking to just replace the image in the style properties.

The Header and navigation style properties covers that area.

If you can't achieve what you want using those, you will need to use extra.css or edit the templates.
I just tried that. The classes I'm looking for does not match the template list. Is there no clear direction on which template to work on to modify the header portion?

Got it, in Page Container, replacing this portion of the code:
<header class="p-header" id="header">
    <div class="p-header-inner">
        <div class="p-header-content">

            <div class="p-header-logo p-header-logo--image">
                <a href="{{ ($xf.options.logoLink && $xf.homePageUrl) ? $xf.homePageUrl : link('index') }}">
                    <img src="{{ base_url(property('publicLogoUrl')) }}"
                        {{ property('publicLogoUrl2x') ? 'srcset="' . base_url(property('publicLogoUrl2x')) . ' 2x"' : '' }} />

            <xf:ad position="container_header" />
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