XF 2.0 Where are the style properties for the blockMessage errors?

I'm looking to customize the color of URLs that appear in the block messages on the login page.

I've customized my login page with a link to a page where people can go to join the group:

<xf:js src="xf/login_signup.js" min="1" />

<xf:title>{{ phrase('log_in') }}</xf:title>
<div class="blockMessage">
    You must be a member to view the forum. Not a member? <a href="https://mysite.com/store/products/membership/">Join the waitlist.</a>
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
    <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--error blockMessage--iconic">

I can add custom CSS if necessary, but I'm wondering if there's a setting somewhere that controls the styling of messages in the blockMessage divs.
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