I'm looking to customize the color of URLs that appear in the block messages on the login page.
I've customized my login page with a link to a page where people can go to join the group:
I can add custom CSS if necessary, but I'm wondering if there's a setting somewhere that controls the styling of messages in the
I've customized my login page with a link to a page where people can go to join the group:
<xf:js src="xf/login_signup.js" min="1" />
<xf:title>{{ phrase('log_in') }}</xf:title>
<div class="blockMessage">
You must be a member to view the forum. Not a member? <a href="">Join the waitlist.</a>
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="blockMessage blockMessage--error blockMessage--iconic">
I can add custom CSS if necessary, but I'm wondering if there's a setting somewhere that controls the styling of messages in the