Fixed When visiting a forum after a long absence, the nav bar shows all the alerts you've missed, but when you expand it to view them they're not available


Well-known member
Affected version
1.x, 2.x
I've noticed this in both XF1 and 2 (Although for the XF2 site, the last time I visited the site was when it was still 1.x, if that makes a difference). I'll visit a site that I've not logged into for weeks or months, I'll see that there's a load of alerts that I've missed in the nav bar, but when the drop down expands they clear off and say I have no new alerts.
This has been reported in the past and usually we would mark it as a duplicate / design issue. The alerts_unread value that you see over the alerts menu is a cache and rebuilding that cache for every single user as alerts expire is tricky when dealing with a large volume of users and alerts.

However, as it does keep getting brought up, we've decided to address it for XF2.

We're not routinely recounting the alerts for every user, but we will do so if they last visited over 30 days ago. 30 days is the hard-coded cut off date for unviewed alerts.
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