When is Enhanced Search Recommended?


Well-known member
When would you recommend that a forum starts using Enhanced search? Would you base this on the size of the forum (# of posts, threads)?
I have it installed on my z22se site, even though it's got less than 270,000 posts. I have it because it gives much better search results, and the stemming analyzer helps with this. It also removed the 3 character limit of MySQL search (especially useful when you are searching for stuff like EGR which is one of the most common searches on my site).
MySQL typically struggles with 1m+ posts but ES has more benefits than that.

My site has much fewer posts than that but I have ES installed.
Will definantly consider it in the near future :)

I cant express how happy I am with the support and answers you provide. A+

I have it installed on my z22se site, even though it's got less than 270,000 posts. I have it because it gives much better search results, and the stemming analyzer helps with this. It also removed the 3 character limit of MySQL search (especially useful when you are searching for stuff like EGR which is one of the most common searches on my site).
Thanks for the answer, at the moment i have very few posts but should be increasing on a daily once my new server is setup (which you will be doing).
I would really like Enhanced search on my server. But the thing that keeps me away from it is that I have to install Java on my server. (So many Security Vulnerabilities!)
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