XF 2.0 When is "code_cache" built, and can it be easily rebuilt (via the command line)?


Well-known member
Looking into getting my forum's code into a git repo, to better manage it. I've moved data/internal_data to S3. However, code_cache (inside of internal_data) still has to be accessed on the server.

  • When is "code_cache" built?
  • How frequently is it altered (would it be safe to put in a git repo, or would it quickly become out of sync with it)?
  • Is it possible to rebuild the "code_cache" (for instance I pull the repo on production, rebuild the code_cache, and we're good to go)?
    • Looks like you can run "php cmd.php xf:rebuild-master-data", not sure if it does anything else.
For context, if "code_cache" isn't present, you get an empty response.
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I am also interested in answer to the question - how can one rebuilt data from "public/internal_data" (which is populated only after installation)?.. and specifically "public/internal_data/code_cache" which is a must for XF to work.

Anyone? Thanks!
Ok, looks like $ php cmd.php xf:rebuild-master-data is the way to go.

So, if by accident you by whatever reason loose "internal_data/" folder you can still resurrect your forum instance using command above, right?
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