What is the storage method for secondary groups in MySQL?


Active member
Hello XenForo forums,

I am trying to configure the Minecraft plugin CommunityBridge for linking my Minecraft server and website together. However, to do this, I need to know extra information about how XenForo stores secondary groups.

Below are the different options that it is giving me. It seems like XenForo would either use multiple-key-values or junction, but I'm most certainly not the expert.

Here's the options it's asking me to configure.

secondary_group_ids is a VARBINARY in a comma separated list.
So, based on the options in this configuration file, which options do you think would be the best fit? Would it be a key-value or multiple-key-value?

Also, while I'm asking, is the primary group stored in a key-value pair?
Yes, use "single" with the correct column name, and specify the comma delimiter.

I've done this myself. It works well. The only problem I've found is the way Community Bridge looks for a user avatar. It doesn't quite work with xenForo.

Shoot me a PM and I'll share my config with you.

I've seen some other strange group syncing problems with CM, but I hope it was an isolated incident.
I've done this myself. It works well. The only problem is the way Community Bridge looks for a user avatar. It doesn't quite work with xenForo.

Shoot me a PM and I'll share my config with you.
I skipped over the avatar part, but everything else seems to be making sense. And that would help a lot! :)
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