Loving the fact that you pointed that out (made me laugh)
... you guys are funny (and not just in the strange way)
Anyway, there were basically a collision of answers, and before this thread spins of into something else (and the angry poster start jumping over it), I think I can summarise.
I've snipped out a few answers and quoted them
If the worse case scenario happened:
1 . This implied the lose of support, but we could carry on using the software <= Meh, it's already several years ahead of the other forum software (for me this wouldn't be a show stopper, but it might for others)
(If this is "correct" legal advise, then this is surely the answer? It was also the answer I was hoping for, given the worse case scenario)
2. This implied un-installation (or your host revokes access) <= bad!
3. This one implied that there might not be a real impact to the forum admins <= good for forum admins (in a selfish way, but might hurt Kiers pocket in the short term)
4. Implying nobody really knows or can be certrain of any outcome
5. Implies thats this question is silly Tenants, Xenforo are surely going to win... why did you ask it
Well... hey, that's 1 bad 2 reasonable & 1 unknown <= And this is given the worse case scenario, that XF lose!
There was also 1 good outcome (that XF wins anyway, which is possibly the most likely outcome)
There is no need for offical answers from anyone (I don't know, but this might not be something that there can be offical answers for)... thank you everyone
[Due to clash of answers, it sounds like nobody can be certain, so if a mod feels they want to close this thread.. I'm happy for it to be closed
.. or not ]