What changes were made during the downtime?


Well-known member
Forgive me for sounding very unobservant but I notice no visual changes so I presume all changes were performance/efficiency changes.

Anyone know what was updated during the change?
It's nothing you can see - we just changed a (huge) bunch of variable names from an old format we were using several months ago to the standards we are now employing.
It's nothing you can see - we just changed a (huge) bunch of variable names from an old format we were using several months ago to the standards we are now employing.
Even better than a design change or an added feature. Nothing beats having a coding standard :)

Principles + Philosophies + Coding Standards = success
I was talking about the ones on posts, which are nasty.

The (blue) ones on the thread list have grown on me, I don't see a compelling reason to change them now.
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