What are our options if we will be away during the 24 hour sale?


Active member
Unfortunately, it is very likely I will be out of town and quite possibly unavailable to participate in the sale.

Are there any other options to pre-pay if we would like to take advantage of the sale price but are unable to participate on the date of the sale?
Unfortunately, it is very likely I will be out of town and quite possibly unavailable to participate in the sale.

Are there any other options to pre-pay if we would like to take advantage of the sale price but are unable to participate on the date of the sale?

Ask a friend?
Accept the $40 discount loss and get it for $140 a day later?
Unfortunately, it is very likely I will be out of town and quite possibly unavailable to participate in the sale.

Are there any other options to pre-pay if we would like to take advantage of the sale price but are unable to participate on the date of the sale?
Do you have a co-owner or another admin who could handle it for you? Or a family member/good friend, etc?
Hopefully the devs will see fit to extend the sale to a full week. I mean, the first thing that crossed my mind when I heard about the 24 hour sale was, "Damn. I better make sure I'm home on that day!"

I would imagine that, in the interest of fairness, the developers will at least consider extending the sale period.
I have no idea where in the world you are so...

Your local Tesco/Walmart/other store is having a 24 hour sale on a product you want. Due to reasons most probably couldn't care less (note proper usage) about you can not be there during that time. Do you ring up the CEO and ask for a pre-purchase or extension?

Yeah, I didn't think so...
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