Watermark or not?


Active member
Do you think it is a good idea to watermark images on the forum?

On one hand, its good to protect your forums content and let everyone know it belongs to your community.

On the other hand, when sites, blogs even news sites see a watermark on image, they are unlikely (at least in my experience) to use it and link back to you.

My question is : Watermark or not?

If yes - which plugin is currently most reliable?
What is posted gets taken, shared, edited, hotlinked... Some people will mention the source, others won't, some will put their watermark on top of yours, or get rid of it and repost it as their own image, some will use it for their advertising... I've seen it all.
So I always watermak my images, it's free publicity, and most of the people are either honest, or lazy :p

But watermarking other people's images could be somewhat tricky, even if it's on your website.
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