A quick easy one! We need to view a page which shows a report which displays Xenforo users in order of number of warnings, and number of people ignoring them, with the ability to sort by both of those columns. Permission by usergroup set for who can view the list.
Please message me with a price quote and ETA. Only individual developers, not middle-parties. Payment will be immediately by PayPal on completion, not in advance; non-negotiable. We pay reliably and quickly.
Username | Warning Points | Ignores |
AAAAA | 8 | 30 |
BBBBB | 7 | 25 |
CCCCC | 7 | 20 |
Please message me with a price quote and ETA. Only individual developers, not middle-parties. Payment will be immediately by PayPal on completion, not in advance; non-negotiable. We pay reliably and quickly.