Add-on "Wandering" sticky post


Had a user complaining that infrequently updated sticky posts were bothersome, and should be moved to the bottom of the post list, citing as an example.

Instead I had the idea of unread sticky posts being at the top of the post list, and read stickies being at the bottom.

the following replaces code in thread_list

  <xen:hook name="thread_list_stickies">
     <xen:foreach loop="$stickyThreads" value="$thread">
       <xen:if is="{$thread.isNew}">
         <xen:include template="thread_list_item" />

     <xen:hook name="thread_list_threads">
     <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
       <xen:include template="thread_list_item" />

     <xen:hook name="thread_list_stickies">
     <xen:foreach loop="$stickyThreads" value="$thread">
       <xen:if is="!{$thread.isNew}">
         <xen:include template="thread_list_item" />

Other users complained and wanted more options, so I ended up reverting my own forum, but if anyone wants to further develop the idea go right ahead.
Actually.... What a GREAT idea. I would love to see this developed. Question though - would there be some type of workaround if the original thread author edits the first post that it could move back to the top? Often times stickied threads are rules or contests. You may want to ensure they are not lost in the vast listing of threads if they are updated. Once read again, it can pop back to the bottom.
Actually.... What a GREAT idea. I would love to see this developed. Question though - would there be some type of workaround if the original thread author edits the first post that it could move back to the top? Often times stickied threads are rules or contests. You may want to ensure they are not lost in the vast listing of threads if they are updated. Once read again, it can pop back to the bottom.

There is "Last Edited" - I'd expect the "Edit Silently" should have the same effect as it does in-thread.
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