Had a user complaining that infrequently updated sticky posts were bothersome, and should be moved to the bottom of the post list, citing as an example.
Instead I had the idea of unread sticky posts being at the top of the post list, and read stickies being at the bottom.
the following replaces code in thread_list
Other users complained and wanted more options, so I ended up reverting my own forum, but if anyone wants to further develop the idea go right ahead.
Instead I had the idea of unread sticky posts being at the top of the post list, and read stickies being at the bottom.
the following replaces code in thread_list
<xen:hook name="thread_list_stickies">
<xen:foreach loop="$stickyThreads" value="$thread">
<xen:if is="{$thread.isNew}">
<xen:include template="thread_list_item" />
<xen:hook name="thread_list_threads">
<xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
<xen:include template="thread_list_item" />
<xen:hook name="thread_list_stickies">
<xen:foreach loop="$stickyThreads" value="$thread">
<xen:if is="!{$thread.isNew}">
<xen:include template="thread_list_item" />
Other users complained and wanted more options, so I ended up reverting my own forum, but if anyone wants to further develop the idea go right ahead.