XF 2.1 W3Org - Nu Html Checker found error


Well-known member
W3Org - Nu Html Checker found the following error:

Warning: This document appears to be written in Dutch but the html start tag has an empty lang attribute. Consider using lang="nl" (or variant) instead.
From line 1, column 16; to line 10, column 2
TYPE html>↩<html id="XF" lang="" dir="LTR"↩ data-app="public"↩ data-template="forum_list"↩ data-container-key=""↩ data-content-key=""↩ data-logged-in="false"↩ data-cookie-prefix="xf_"↩ class="has-no-js template-forum_list"↩ >↩<head

I do not know which PHP-file it is.
Hello Mike - your thought's were correct.

But: to install the new language file, I first had to remove the existing language file before installing the new file.
And a thank you for showing me the way.
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