XF 2 Voucher for DragonByte Credits


Very need to users can add credits via Vouchers.
1.I need in forum admin cp form with two input fields
field one for the Voucher amount
field two for add Voucher via list (text-area) like https://image.opencart.com/cache/57b371980254c-resize-500x500.jpg
need to admin can add 1000 vouchers at a time

2. After adding vouchers, they get to a separate page and admin can edit or delete vouchers.
3. Voucher can be used only 1 time on the user transaction page or in DragonByte Shop checkout page.
and after use that can see on transaction page, it is marked as Used and Need now who and when use nickname who use this voucher. Need form in admin cp where i can search user or not used coupons.
4. Need transaction log support.
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