XF 1.4 Viewing unknown page?


Well-known member
I notice certain users are displaying this message, no matter what forum page they visit?
Any idea why, what would be the fix for that? I see the message next to user, while viewing the /online location. Thanks.
Normally that would be caused by an addon that isn't doing at least a bassic Session Activity declaration:
public static function getSessionActivityDetailsForList(array $activities)
return new XenForo_Phrase('');}

If you actually know where they are viewing and its saying its a forum node then that is weird. You can look at the session activity table and get the controller as well as the content id for what someone is viewing.
Showing this on my /online page:
Messages: 53 Likes Received: 11 Trophy Points: 8
Viewing unknown page, 4 minutes ago

It is always showing this for him and another user.
Hi @Daniel Hood, thanks for letting me know. I just looked at the server logs, the site is getting pinged every few minutes with those requests. Honestly, I find this intrusive and I'm currently blocking them with a 403 on my forums. Further, I don't allow headers with underscores because the security problems it might create and it's indistinguishable from "-" in CGI-like headers representation. jQuery already uses the proper syntax: X-Requested-With.
# find /var/www/html -type f -exec grep --color -i X_REQUESTED_WITH {} +
# find /var/www/html -type f -exec grep --color -i X-REQUESTED-WITH {} +
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