XF 2.1 Video Block Storage?

Anthony Parsons

Well-known member
As you're adding a native video upload function to the software, can you, or will you be, including an option to automatically upload and run video upload files from a mounted block storage for the server? This would certainly make the addition of such large uploads easier to manage from the primary data volume. With the majority of servers coming with X storage, and then requiring upgrades for more vs. most allow adding block storage and mounting that for situations exactly like video upload files.

I think this would be nice, but I haven't followed your implementation of this to know whether its a question or suggestion?
If you really mean block storage, then traditionally you'd just access that through a mount point using a standard file system. In which case, XF has always supported that as you can point the internal and external data paths where ever you want (and you can map the external data URL to where you want as well). You can also use things like NFS or SSHFS to do this, though you do need to be aware of network performance as any internal data file will be served through your PHP server.

If you you mean object storage like S3, then that is possible with a small add-on (mostly just to bring in the AWS API code as it's huge): https://xenforo.com/community/resou...or-amazon-s3-for-file-storage-in-xf-2-x.6805/ (The internal data comment above still applies here too.)
Ah... ok, never knew that about the config options. Always learning.

Is video storage being added under an existing XF directory path, or will it have a new one so it can be isolated via config so just video is hosted via config from block storage?

I ask because video is just so different in file size compared to normal storage requirements, avatars, attachments.
In terms of definable storage, there's really just internal data and external data. There's no further separation, so there is nothing specific for videos. Videos are also just attachments so they follow the rest of the attachment system elements/concepts.
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