Vbulletin -> XenForo

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I have a forum vbulletin years with nearly 40,000 users ... Unfortunately vbulletin is in a sorry state since it was sold ...
Why not provide free licenses to utent vbulletin forum with large who want to pass from you?

We don't currently have any discounted or free licenses available.

Presumably with such a large forum it shouldn't be too difficult to raise the funds for the cost of the license.
My forum does not earn even one euro just talking about turtles.
Anyone who has spent "many" money for a license vbulletin hardly spends many for a new license ...
Given the poor condition of vbulletin offer free licenses to those who have forums with many users in my opinion would be a great advertisement for you.
Would you be prepared to do your job (I'm presuming you are in employment) for no money? That's what you are suggesting the XenForo team do by giving away free licences. I certainly wouldn't do my job for nothing!
No one has to give anything ...
I only say that offer free licenses to those who have very large forum who would move to xenForo would be a great advertisement for xenForo seen that would migrate hundreds of forum which in turn in the following years would pay for the renewal of the license.
Moreover many of them could buy additional components such as the gallery.
No one has to give anything ...
I only say that offer free licenses to those who have very large forum who would move to xenForo would be a great advertisement for xenForo seen that would migrate hundreds of forum which in turn in the following years would pay for the renewal of the license.
Moreover many of them could buy additional components such as the gallery.
I am sorry to say that your forum isn't nearly as large as some of the big boards XenForo already has under its banner.

And I don't think XenForo needs any more advertisement/exposure than it already gets. You want to move away from vBulletin on your own choice, no one is forcing you - thus the need to pay for the services you will be using (XenForo License).
I think anyone would like to have a 'free' Forum software, but as it's been said, the price is already a very good price for excellent software, ask your members to donate $5 each and you'll have the money in no time....
It 'an open forum about 9 years ago.
I'm not saying that xenForo to take to give licenses to anyone ...

How many other administrators foru vbulletin, vbulletin use for years and we have a paid license ... Eventually vbulletin 4 works and has everything, which is why we are content to use vbulletin rather than paying another license (in fact almost no one has paid version 5).

Mine is just an opinion / advice but I think if xenForo licenses offered for free or at a substantial discount to those who want to migrate forum quite large, would have many new users unhappy with vbulletin that the second year would pay the license renewal.

In my case for example, if I had the opportunity to go to xenForo without paying the first year, would buy XenForo Media Gallery and the second year would pay the license renewal so XenForo would gain a new customer from this discount ...

Sorry for my English but use google translate ;)
The thing is, Xenforo is a SEPARATE company from vBulletin - you cannot expect Xenforo to give anything free to anyone, vBulletin customer or not. That's like asking Chick-fil-A to give you a free chicken sandwich because McDonald's chicken sandwiches are terrible. It's sad you spent money on a terrible McDonald's sandwich, but you still have to pay for your new Chick-Fil-A sandwich.
This example is incorrect ... Almost nobody uses forums anymore so it is very difficult to find new people who spend around $ 400 on a site that has few visits (with rare exceptions).
I have been using Vbulletin for many years and have not spent anything for years at the moment. I'd like to switch to xenforo to renew the site but I can't afford the full amount (and most of those who use vbulletin like me).
If xenforo offered discounts to those who want to pass by them, it would receive many new customers who would pay for the renewal in the following years.
For example, for several years I would like to switch to xenforo but having no discounts, I remain on vbulletin. In these years xenforo would have earned hundreds of dollars on me if he had enticed me to stop by them. This post I entered in 2015, today simao 2020 and xenforo would have taken 5 years of renewals from me.
He obviously doesn't care about having new customers.
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Give me a free license because I feel i'm entitled to one because my forum has 40,000 members. This is how you sound.....do you realize how insane this sounds? there are far more larger forums than yours, and far smaller forums than yours that have no problem paying the $140 for a license. I'm sure out of the 40K users you claim to have, you can scrape together $140 for a license, if you're really that unhappy with vBulletin.

IGN, one of the largest if not THE largest forum on the internet right now has no problem spending money on a license for their boards, I don't see why you're having such an issue. Hell, my forum is a fraction of the size yours is (or at least claims to be) and I was able to scrape together the money for a license, hell i just renwed mine at $85 because I have the media gallery & resource center add-ons.

Xenforo has never and will never offer a 'free' license, they are in the business to make money, they don't care how large or small your forum is. You'll need to pay the price for the license just like everyone else.
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