XF 2.2 vbulletin "New User" behaviors



TL/DR see the question in bold.

Apologies if this has been rehashed before, I searched and could not find a solution. Please feel free to point me.

I understand Xenforo treats usergroups differently than VBulletin, and I'm quite excited to reduce our usergroups from 26 to ~9 or so. I've got design solutions for all of our usergroups, except how to treat New Users.

Here is our use case:
  • New Users get a special title
  • New Users, like guests, can view all general forums
  • New Users can only post in one forum. This helps our welcoming moderator to review all new users, although we don't require manual approvals.
  • New Users get a Notice block directing them to that forum
  • New Users are promoted to Registered Users after creating 2 posts. Registered Users can post in all forums.

I can design this by heavily restricting the Registered usergroup and then create a "Really Registered" usergroup and promotion. I do not like that solution because it effectively is a duplication of data - nearly all New Users will eventually get promoted.

I prefer the design below, but ran into one roadblock:

  • special title -> use Trophies instead of usergroup title overrides
  • notice -> set a notice rule against "User has posted no more than X Messages"
  • can only post in one forum until 2 posts are made -> how to solve?
Remove the post permission for the Registered user group.

Allow it for that node/user group.

Create a user group promotion to add members to a new user group which has the post permission enabled.
Many thanks Brogan. :) I was hoping there was some permission sets for user metadata (like post counts or trophies). This use case has worked well for us for years, but I will reconsider it before creating a separate usergroup for this small need.
Don't be concerned about creating additional user groups - that is what the system has been designed for.

Note that you only need to set the single permission in the promoted user group and leave the rest unset - all others are applied from the Registered user group.
Permissions are cumulative across all user groups.
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