Vbulletin 4 beta importer


Active member
I did an import using the vbulletin 4 beta importer and found that it isn't ready for prime time. Imported categories and forum were imported in the incorrect order and some children were missing their parent nodes and admin permissions were incorrect in that admin could not view some forums. Is the generic (non-beta) vbulletin more accurate?

Thanks in advance.
it works fine, but there are some bugs with special characters in the URL and nginx.

If you see permissions issues, keep in mind that xenforo handles permissions differently than most forums. e.g. most of your admin permissions should be set to NO, and your admins and mods need to be part of the 'registered' usergroup.

If you're coming from a different forum software, having your admins and moderators be members of the registered group may seem awkward. However, if you consider user groups to be "roles", the concepts will begin to make sense.

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