XF 2.1 VBulletin 4.2.5 imported to XF1.5, upgraded to 2.1.7, smilies.xml?


I had to run the import into XenForo 1.5 because I wanted to import DownloadII into the Resource Manager add on for the downloads.
I never located a smilies.vbulletin.xml file, wondering if that's something that was added after 1.5, I haven't run the importer on XF 2.1.7.

Can the VB importer be run to only include the smilies, I'm kind of afraid to try because I don't want to have duplicate entries or start over.

Another import problem I noticed, I had AME installed in VB and before importing, ran the tool to convert ame tags into url tags, I just noticed that all Youtube embedded posts are now just links and others have iframe src tags. They are all still embedded in VBulletin.
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