/* ----------------------------------------------------------- *\
This variable defines where XenForo is installed.
If you have not installed XenForo into the same directory in which
vBulletin was installed, you will need to provide the full path to
the XenForo directory here. Remove the leading // and then enter
the path as in the following examples:
# $fileDir = '/home/example/public_html/new_forums';
# $fileDir = 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/xenforo';
\* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
$fileDir = '/var/www/vhosts/mywebsite.com/httpdocs';
/* ----------------------------------------------------------- *\
This constant defines the table from which the import redirection
scripts will fetch their data. Normally they will use the table
'xf_import_log', but if you have archived your import data, you
should provide the name of the archive table here. Remove the
leading // and then replace 'import_log_x' with the name of your
archive table, as in the following examples:
# define('IMPORT_LOG_TABLE', 'my_import_log');
# define('IMPORT_LOG_TABLE', 'import_log_my_forums');
\* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
define('IMPORT_LOG_TABLE', 'archived_import_log');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------- *\
This constant controls whether or not to include page number links
in your redirects. In order for this to work, the number of posts
shown per page in vBulletin MUST match the number of posts shown per
page in XenForo, and the number of threads shown per page on
vBulletin's thread listing pages must be the same as that used by
XenForo, or the links will be wrong. If they do not match, leave
this constant defined as 'false'. If they do match, change the
definition to 'true'.
\* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
define('INCLUDE_PAGE_LINKS', false);