XF 2.1 vB importer stuck in messages


New member
I am doing a test import from vb 4.2 (2.5 M messages). Using the CLI importer with this command as recommended here:

php -d memory_limit=2000M cmd.php xf:import

It gets stuck in Step 16 of 26: Messages [1740831] 88,45%

Any tips?
I checked the latest imported post, it's thread id and what the next thread would be and deleted it from the source (old threads with lot of replies). I got to almost 100% now but got these messages:

In AbstractStatement.php line 228:

MySQL query error [1406]: Data too long for column 'delete_reason' at row 1

xf:import [--processes PROCESSES] [--finalize]

Exception query:

INSERT INTO xf_deletion_log (content_type, content_id, delete_date, delete_user_id, delete_username, delete_reason) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE delete_date = LEAST(delete_date, VALUES(delete_date))
Import was stuck in the same position for 6 hours and deleting the threads worked.

I'm using 1.3.2, should be fixed then? I'll just try delete longer reasons in the vb source tables (editlog and deletionlog).
I'm not seeing an obvious cause of that issue in 1.3.2 with the workaround applied. Just to confirm though, would it be possible to see the full error backtrace? This should be available in the server error logs section of the control panel.
I was able to finalize the import (only profile messages missing).

Error logs are empty, sorry it's a new nginx server I'm not familiar with and may have not been set up completely.
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