XF 1.1 vB Import Issues


I am having issues getting past the 1st step in importing our board with the returned error each time of - "The table prefix or database name is not correct."

I know the DB name & user are correct but seems I'm stuck at the Table Prefix & Force Character Set.

Tabe Prefix = $config['Database']['tableprefix'] = '';

Force Character Set = $config['Mysqli']['charset'] = 'utf8';

That's what I gleaned from the config.php.

is that right or have I entered the wrong details?

Thank you :)
You have entered the wrong details.

You need to enter the database name and prefix of your existing vB database.
You can check that in cPanel/phpMyAdmin.
Thank you brogan and understand a little of your reply all except for the prefix as checked cPanel and it showed no prefix that I was aware of unless I mis read it.
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