[UW] Smileys Bar [Deleted]

If we don't consider that is randomly spamming the [UWSL] tag, yes.

Let's hope it will continue to work with future XF updates, if that's what you meant

Since this doesn't seem to be supported I went to find my own solution to that annoyance.
I modified the BbCode.php file, located here:

Mine looks like this:

namespace UW\SmileysBar\Extend\Html\Renderer;

use XF\Html\Tag;
use XF\Html\Text;

class BbCode extends XFCP_BbCode
//    public function __construct() {
//        $this->_handlers['span'] = ['wrap' => '[UWSL]%s[/UWSL]'];
//        $this->_handlers['span'] = ['filterCallback' => ['$this', 'handleTagTest']];
//    }
//    public function handleTagTest($text, Tag $tag)
//    {
//        $pattern = "/\[SIZE|\[COLOR=|\[FONT=/i";
//        $match =  preg_match($pattern, $text);
//        if(!$match)
//        {
 //           return '[UWSL]'.$text.'[/UWSL]';
 //       }
 //       return $text;
 //   }

That appears to have worked, and no longer spam the tags. Since this is an unofficial solution, you'll receive an alert that the BbCode.php file has been modified.
Since the last update here is quite old (but it still works), is there any chance that this abandoned add-on can be passed over to some other, more serious developer?

Haven't applied @Dragonfruit's solution yet, so I still get these very annoying [UWSL] tags here and there sometimes.


Or does anybody know if there is any newer and better alternative around?
Haven't applied @Dragonfruit's solution yet, so I still get these very annoying [UWSL] tags here and there sometimes.

Had to use Find & Replace from XF to remove this damn tags:

I was furious about then, my site has beyond 3 million posts.

Who the hell made an add-on that insert this tag from hell in every single post? I don't know whether it is incompetence or worse.
That should be the tag to show Jumbo Smileys, if I recall well.


But it's clear that there's an unfixed bug which randomly makes the add-on insert this bloody tag, apparently without any reason....
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