Sorry for bumping an oldish thread, this seemed the most recent on-topic thread I could find.
Out of interest has anyone looked into integration with CakePHP? The one thing I don't like about Shadab's solution was the fact that it's essentially forcing you to use Zend as your chosen framework if you want to integrate it with your own site.
The main solution for users on vB wanting external pages was the global.php route but that had some unacceptable issues (suspended users couldn't access site - spam isn't worthy of being blocked from the whole site =-/) for my own site so what we ended up doing at the time was replicating the session process ourselves - querying the database, checking md5 passwords etc. So if that sort of thing would occur with the above solution too (i.e. taking over rather than just giving you access to the data) then it's not very practical for me. I'd like to see xF as a datasource i.e. loads the session data, user information etc and let's me choose what to do with it.
I made a thread a while back enquiring about an
ideal site structure. The main thing I'd be looking to do if I use xF for my intended project would be for the forum to be part of the site and not the otherway round. One of the things mentioned in the thread I just mentioned was that xF don't use the whole Zend framework. I then queried whether it would be more prudent to use my own implementation of the Zend Library but received no response to that query.
Nonetheless I decided to explore ZF for myself. I spent quite a lot of time reading up on it but having been the first framework I had worked with I found that it was far more complex than it needed to be. I then made the switch to working with cakephp. I've gotten vB Integration (component) working with cakePHP (querying database etc) but I'm wondering if anyone's attempted the same for xF? I mainly want to avoid the inevitable overhead when including two different frameworks together (xF's Zend and my own Zend or xF's Zend and CakePHP) so the ideal situation for me would be doing what I've done for vB in the past and replicating the same processes.