Using xenforo permission outside of xenforo?

Yes, I've tested and it's working just fine.

Checking any general user permission is as simple as calling $visitor->hasPermission() with the permission group and permission name you want to check as parameters.

$visitor->hasPermission('general', 'view');


So i can just do:

if (!$visitor->get('is_admin'))
echo 'stay out!';


Edit > Crap went to edit and replied by accident, can a mod please delete the one before this.
(Although it would become redundant once the code is moved to a helper in xenforo core).
Looks like this has been done in Beta 5. The code for starting the session (public & admin) is now present in XenForo_Session class. To completely initialize the xenforo framework from an external script, we can now write:

$startTime = microtime(true);
$fileDir = '/absolute/path/to/xenforo/root/directory';

require($fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir . '/library');

XenForo_Application::initialize($fileDir . '/library', $fileDir);
XenForo_Application::set('page_start_time', $startTime);

// Not required if you are not using any of the preloaded data
$dependencies = new XenForo_Dependencies_Public();

Looks like this has been done in Beta 5. The code for starting the session (public & admin) is now present in XenForo_Session class. To completely initialize the xenforo framework from an external script, we can now write:

$startTime = microtime(true);
$fileDir = '/absolute/path/to/xenforo/root/directory';

require($fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir . '/library');

XenForo_Application::initialize($fileDir . '/library', $fileDir);
XenForo_Application::set('page_start_time', $startTime);

// Not required if you are not using any of the preloaded data
$dependencies = new XenForo_Dependencies_Public();

Can you explain what the $dependencies are? I'm now again rethinking how to set up my site based on how easy it is to set up XF in the "outside" world as I don't necessarily want it all in root.
Can you explain what the $dependencies are?
The dependencies object is used to preload data from the data registry. If any data key doesn't exist in the registry, the cache is rebuilt and saved. This object also performs a whole lot of other tasks when fed into a front controller; but it's not relevant when used outside. The public dependencies object is used to fetch:
  • Options, Languages, Code-Event Listeners, Content Types, Scheduled Tasks
  • Banned IP addresses, BBCodes, Node Types, Public Routes, Smilies, Styles
  • Report Counts and Moderation Counts (the ones shown in the moderator bar)
Each of these are accessible via XenForo_Application::get('key_name'). So, if you have no use of such data in your external application or you are not using anything that indirectly depends on the availability of this preloaded data, you can safely remove it; saving a query or two.
$dependencies = new XenForo_Dependencies_Public();
Because you're from the vB World, dependencies are something like the datastore in vBulletin^^
I rarely ever worked outside of vB really. :P Even than I included global() and all seemed to be well.
Thanks for this Jerry!
I'm much more fluent in the CI framework and was having a hard time adjusting to the xF setup.
I assume there is a bit of overhead here though? 2 db connections, etc. Either way, it's just the jump start I need to get my project up & running. Will test shortly!

If it's a persistent connection for both then it should be pooled and managed well enough, though there will be more over head yes.
As a stop-gap measure, I've created a helper class that you can call to initialize the xenforo application, preload the important data and setup the session properly, taking auto-login into consideration. Let me know (via PC) if you want it. (Although it would become redundant once the code is moved to a helper in xenforo core).

Sample code for that:
$startTime = microtime(true);
$xenforoRoot = '/absolute/path/to/xenforo/root/directory';

// Setup XenForo's autoloader
require_once($xenforoRoot . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($xenforoRoot . '/library');

// Initialize the XenForo Framework
GeekPoint_Symfony::initializeXenforo($xenforoRoot, $startTime);

// You can fetch user data using the visitor object
$visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();

$user_id = $visitor->getUserId();
$username = $visitor->get('username');
$email = $visitor->get('email');
Good deal ;)
Looks like this has been done in Beta 5. The code for starting the session (public & admin) is now present in XenForo_Session class. To completely initialize the xenforo framework from an external script, we can now write:

$startTime = microtime(true);
$fileDir = '/absolute/path/to/xenforo/root/directory';

require($fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir . '/library');

XenForo_Application::initialize($fileDir . '/library', $fileDir);
XenForo_Application::set('page_start_time', $startTime);

// Not required if you are not using any of the preloaded data
$dependencies = new XenForo_Dependencies_Public();

I'm still in the process of wrapping my head around how XenForo works (OOP is something I've never quite gotten into before and really tried to grasp) but is this code still valid for v1.0? And if so, how would I do something like echo the current logged in user's name?

EDIT: Okay, I see I still use the visitor class.

$visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();
$user_id = $visitor->getUserId();
Shadab I have this user bar on my site

Using what you have said in this post could I get this to run on a none xenforo page and it would be able to show everything like that (and work)?
Shadab I have this user bar on my site

Useing what you have said in this post could I get this to run on a none xenforo page and it would be able to show everything like that (and work)?
After you initialize the XF application in your custom script, you'll have to render this user bar template and echo the output. Additionally, you need to make sure that the related css templates and js files are loaded (for the styling and that dropdown menu to work).

See this thread:
Sorry for bumping an oldish thread, this seemed the most recent on-topic thread I could find.

Out of interest has anyone looked into integration with CakePHP? The one thing I don't like about Shadab's solution was the fact that it's essentially forcing you to use Zend as your chosen framework if you want to integrate it with your own site.

The main solution for users on vB wanting external pages was the global.php route but that had some unacceptable issues (suspended users couldn't access site - spam isn't worthy of being blocked from the whole site =-/) for my own site so what we ended up doing at the time was replicating the session process ourselves - querying the database, checking md5 passwords etc. So if that sort of thing would occur with the above solution too (i.e. taking over rather than just giving you access to the data) then it's not very practical for me. I'd like to see xF as a datasource i.e. loads the session data, user information etc and let's me choose what to do with it.

I made a thread a while back enquiring about an ideal site structure. The main thing I'd be looking to do if I use xF for my intended project would be for the forum to be part of the site and not the otherway round. One of the things mentioned in the thread I just mentioned was that xF don't use the whole Zend framework. I then queried whether it would be more prudent to use my own implementation of the Zend Library but received no response to that query.

Nonetheless I decided to explore ZF for myself. I spent quite a lot of time reading up on it but having been the first framework I had worked with I found that it was far more complex than it needed to be. I then made the switch to working with cakephp. I've gotten vB Integration (component) working with cakePHP (querying database etc) but I'm wondering if anyone's attempted the same for xF? I mainly want to avoid the inevitable overhead when including two different frameworks together (xF's Zend and my own Zend or xF's Zend and CakePHP) so the ideal situation for me would be doing what I've done for vB in the past and replicating the same processes.
Sorry for bumping an oldish thread, this seemed the most recent on-topic thread I could find.

Out of interest has anyone looked into integration with CakePHP? The one thing I don't like about Shadab's solution was the fact that it's essentially forcing you to use Zend as your chosen framework if you want to integrate it with your own site.

The main solution for users on vB wanting external pages was the global.php route but that had some unacceptable issues (suspended users couldn't access site - spam isn't worthy of being blocked from the whole site =-/) for my own site so what we ended up doing at the time was replicating the session process ourselves - querying the database, checking md5 passwords etc. So if that sort of thing would occur with the above solution too (i.e. taking over rather than just giving you access to the data) then it's not very practical for me. I'd like to see xF as a datasource i.e. loads the session data, user information etc and let's me choose what to do with it.

I made a thread a while back enquiring about an ideal site structure. The main thing I'd be looking to do if I use xF for my intended project would be for the forum to be part of the site and not the otherway round. One of the things mentioned in the thread I just mentioned was that xF don't use the whole Zend framework. I then queried whether it would be more prudent to use my own implementation of the Zend Library but received no response to that query.

Nonetheless I decided to explore ZF for myself. I spent quite a lot of time reading up on it but having been the first framework I had worked with I found that it was far more complex than it needed to be. I then made the switch to working with cakephp. I've gotten vB Integration (component) working with cakePHP (querying database etc) but I'm wondering if anyone's attempted the same for xF? I mainly want to avoid the inevitable overhead when including two different frameworks together (xF's Zend and my own Zend or xF's Zend and CakePHP) so the ideal situation for me would be doing what I've done for vB in the past and replicating the same processes.
Jeremy managed to integrate CodeIgniter ( so it is probably possible to do something similar with CakePHP, though I can't say for sure.
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