Well-known member
My intention here is to mass delete a range of users who spammed my forum, before running XenSSO to sync with my master forum. Found this recommendation online.
I'm using this last suggestion as the method. First, I need a bit of help with mySQL range. He provides this query. How would I modify this to set a range of users from say user ID number 121 to user ID number 167. It's much more than that, but that's the general idea of what I'm trying to accomplish.
I'm using this last suggestion as the method. First, I need a bit of help with mySQL range. He provides this query. How would I modify this to set a range of users from say user ID number 121 to user ID number 167. It's much more than that, but that's the general idea of what I'm trying to accomplish.
UPDATE xf_user
SET user_state = 'moderated'
WHERE user_id in (