XF 2.1 Using canBan to add additional criteria


Well-known member
I am creating an addon that requires moderators to have an additional permission to ban users in a defined user group. What I am trying to do is add some additional conditions into canBan. Right now I can only get it to work if I copy over all the code in canBan, but I don't want to do that in case XF changes this function. Any insight into what I am doing wrong would be helpful.

My addon (Does not work)
    public function canBan(&$error = null)

        $visitor = \XF::visitor();
        $options = $this->app()->options();

        $protectedUser = $options->andrewModeratorPanelProtected;

        foreach ($this->secondary_group_ids as $groupId)
            if ($groupId == $protectedUser && !$visitor->canBanProtectedUsers())
                return false;


Xenforo Function
    public function canBan(&$error = null)
        $visitor = \XF::visitor();

        if (!$this->user_id || !$visitor->is_moderator || $this->user_id == $visitor->user_id)
            return false;

        if ($this->is_admin || $this->is_moderator)
            $error = \XF::phraseDeferred('this_user_is_an_admin_or_moderator_choose_another');
            return false;

        return $visitor->hasPermission('general', 'banUser');

It works when I repeat code, which I don't want to do
    public function canBan(&$error = null)

        $visitor = \XF::visitor();
        $options = $this->app()->options();

        $protectedUser = $options->andrewModeratorPanelProtected;

        foreach ($this->secondary_group_ids as $groupId)
            if ($groupId == $protectedUser && !$visitor->canBanProtectedUsers())
                return false;

        if (!$this->user_id || !$visitor->is_moderator || $this->user_id == $visitor->user_id)
            return false;

        if ($this->is_admin || $this->is_moderator)
            $error = \XF::phraseDeferred('this_user_is_an_admin_or_moderator_choose_another');
            return false;

        return $visitor->hasPermission('general', 'banUser');

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