XF 1.5 Usertitle Backround


Active member
Apologises if this is in the wrong section.

I've seen vBulletin have this feature but by add-on, I've also seen few xenforo forums have this feature I'm wondering if its add-on related or could this have been done by css? I'd like to know for certain groups or users how can I set a default backround user title image with a title on it for example Administrator and it will have a backround color or image.

If this can be done by css I'd like to know if users change their user title would the backround image disappear? I've tried the link below method before and it didn't work!
I don't totally understand what you're asking for. Screenshots of examples would help.


See where it says Site Owner it has that backround image but it's animated.
@Mike yes but it's not user banner it's user title.
I tried doing it with .css user title it worked but when I went to personal details and changed my title the backround disappears.. how do you keep it without it disappearing?
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