Username styling and removeSecondaryGroupFromUsers


Hi all,

I've got a system I'm using whereby Guilds can get registered within a listing. When a guild is initially listed and approved, any members which request to join get added to an approved group.

private function addSecondaryGroup($userId, $groupId)
        $userModel = $this->_getUserModel();
        $userGroupModel = $this->_getUserGroupModel();

        $user = $userModel->getUserById($userId);
        $userGroup = $userGroupModel->getUserGroupById($groupId);

        if($user && $userGroup)
            if(!$userModel->isMemberOfUserGroup($user, $groupId))
                $secondaryGroups = explode(",", $user['secondary_group_ids']);
                $secondaryGroups[] = $groupId;
                $writer = XenForo_DataWriter::create('XenForo_DataWriter_User');

When a user is removed from a Guild listing, the system first checks to see if they are a member of any other approved Guilds. If they are, it does nothing. If they aren't, the system should remove them from this group.

$this->_getUserGroupModel()->removeSecondaryGroupFromUsers(array($userId), $groupId);

Removing the user from the group is working. However, this group also contains username css styling. This styling persists and I have to run the user caches update within the AdminCP to remove it.

Any hints? :) (Ignore, please see below)


Just had a thought that hadn't yet occurred to me, do the same as the addSecondaryGroups but to remove.

private function removeSecondaryGroup($userId, $groupId)
        $userModel = $this->_getUserModel();
        $userGroupModel = $this->_getUserGroupModel();

        $user = $userModel->getUserById($userId);
        $userGroup = $userGroupModel->getUserGroupById($groupId);

        if($user && $userGroup)
            if($userModel->isMemberOfUserGroup($user, $groupId))
                $secondaryGroups = explode(",", $user['secondary_group_ids']);
                if(($key = array_search($groupId, $secondaryGroups)) !== false)
                $writer = XenForo_DataWriter::create('XenForo_DataWriter_User');

Please ignore my early morning ramblings before coffee :D
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