Hi all,
I've got a system I'm using whereby Guilds can get registered within a listing. When a guild is initially listed and approved, any members which request to join get added to an approved group.
When a user is removed from a Guild listing, the system first checks to see if they are a member of any other approved Guilds. If they are, it does nothing. If they aren't, the system should remove them from this group.
Removing the user from the group is working. However, this group also contains username css styling. This styling persists and I have to run the user caches update within the AdminCP to remove it.
Any hints?
(Ignore, please see below)
Just had a thought that hadn't yet occurred to me, do the same as the addSecondaryGroups but to remove.
Please ignore my early morning ramblings before coffee
I've got a system I'm using whereby Guilds can get registered within a listing. When a guild is initially listed and approved, any members which request to join get added to an approved group.
private function addSecondaryGroup($userId, $groupId)
$userModel = $this->_getUserModel();
$userGroupModel = $this->_getUserGroupModel();
$user = $userModel->getUserById($userId);
$userGroup = $userGroupModel->getUserGroupById($groupId);
if($user && $userGroup)
if(!$userModel->isMemberOfUserGroup($user, $groupId))
$secondaryGroups = explode(",", $user['secondary_group_ids']);
$secondaryGroups[] = $groupId;
$writer = XenForo_DataWriter::create('XenForo_DataWriter_User');
When a user is removed from a Guild listing, the system first checks to see if they are a member of any other approved Guilds. If they are, it does nothing. If they aren't, the system should remove them from this group.
$this->_getUserGroupModel()->removeSecondaryGroupFromUsers(array($userId), $groupId);
Removing the user from the group is working. However, this group also contains username css styling. This styling persists and I have to run the user caches update within the AdminCP to remove it.
Any hints?

Just had a thought that hadn't yet occurred to me, do the same as the addSecondaryGroups but to remove.
private function removeSecondaryGroup($userId, $groupId)
$userModel = $this->_getUserModel();
$userGroupModel = $this->_getUserGroupModel();
$user = $userModel->getUserById($userId);
$userGroup = $userGroupModel->getUserGroupById($groupId);
if($user && $userGroup)
if($userModel->isMemberOfUserGroup($user, $groupId))
$secondaryGroups = explode(",", $user['secondary_group_ids']);
if(($key = array_search($groupId, $secondaryGroups)) !== false)
$writer = XenForo_DataWriter::create('XenForo_DataWriter_User');
Please ignore my early morning ramblings before coffee

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