Username color

Does it reset username color though if they don't post much etc?
The Admin Zone has it when you reach 50 posts I think you get a green name but resets after a while. @Brogan
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Yes you just promote the user to the new usergroup with that colour as a higher display priority.
Yes you just promote the user to the new usergroup with that colour as a higher display priority.

Not sure if you know what I mean :P?
Does this add-on come with a timer kinda thing you don't post etc your usergroup color gets taken away from you? TAZ has it.
Not sure if you know what I mean :p?
Does this add-on come with a timer kinda thing you don't post etc your usergroup color gets taken away from you? TAZ has it.
TAZ has an active users usergroup, if you post X amount of times in X period, it'll rank you up. A cron task is ran to recheck group promotions, and if you no longer meet the criteria you are removed from the group.

It's a simple usergroup with group styling properties and a higher priority than "Registered".
No need to roll your own to watch the colors change. Just visit TAZ and make x posts in y days, then slack off for a bit, then catch up... etc..
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