XF 1.5 Usergroup questions

Okay, so I have a private forum that I want users in a specific user group to be able to access. I also want their to be "leaders" in this user group who can add/remove users from within' the usergroup.

So basically I want 2 - 3 people to have the ability to grant anyone access to a private forum by adding or revoke the access by removing them from the usergroup.

How do I do this?
Dang I was really hoping this would have been a feature built into XF. Anyway I can request this feature to be added somewhere?
The XenForo suggestions forum is where you'd put this, though there appear to be several suggestions with ideas around social user groups and private user groups already (like the first post of any that you agree with).


There may be more, you'd have to search for them.
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