User Title Ladder by Waindigo [Deleted]

Jon W

Well-known member
Waindigo submitted a new resource:

Trophy User Titles Progress by Waindigo - Adds a progress bar to the homepage to show user's progress towards gaining next user title.

This add-on adds a progress bar to the homepage to show user's progress towards gaining next user title.

If there are no more user titles to achieve, the progress bar shows 100%.


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This reminds me of Robbo's progress bar. Pretty cool.

What if you let us set 100% as a certain trophy percentage?

Then anything past that goes up to something like 200%?

Cause most members would never get to a full 100% with the existing default trophies.
Could you include the option to remove the progress bar if you reach 100%. Also include an alert so users know when they reach 100%, if we remove it.
This is a Instant Download to have!

Awesome work :)

EDIT: There is one thing, i use the widget framework and it shows at the very top, how to change position?

Minor Suggestion: Can you make it sort how Donation Manager does, the progress bar different colors, starts at red, orange, yellow, full green when 100% would be awesome. :)

Other Minor Suggestion: Please make it show the current title at the progress bar? To user don't get used if get a trophy with large points and instant jump for next rank. :)
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There is a bug in need of being fixed, something really minor, to get the sidebar to not show to guests, what it's happening with me.
This is a Instant Download to have!

Awesome work :)

EDIT: There is one thing, i use the widget framework and it shows at the very top, how to change position?

Minor Suggestion: Can you make it sort how Donation Manager does, the progress bar different colors, starts at red, orange, yellow, full green when 100% would be awesome. :)

Other Minor Suggestion: Please make it show the current title at the progress bar? To user don't get used if get a trophy with large points and instant jump for next rank. :)
All of this should be possible by making simple template edits. Note that there is an option to disable the default template, so you can include the template anywhere you like in the sidebar by including the appropriate template (waindigo_trophy_progress_trophyprogress).

This add-on makes the following variables available to any template:
{$currentTrophyTitle}, {$nextTrophyTitle}, {$levelProgress}
Could you include the option to remove the progress bar if you reach 100%. Also include an alert so users know when they reach 100%, if we remove it.
As above, this can be done with a simple template edit. Just add the following conditional around the template waindigo_trophy_progress_trophyprogress:
<xen:if is="{$levelProgress} < 100">
Well thank you @Waindigo

Mine is stuck at 60%, even though the next level is 2600 posts and I have 2605. >.>; It's good, but it won't budge for some reason.Untitled.webp
Mine is stuck at 60%, even though the next level is 2600 posts and I have 2605. >.>; It's good, but it won't budge for some reason.View attachment 57072
You seem to be working it out using the wrong numbers. It is based on the number of trophy points -- you have 63 of those. It is then how far you are from the number of trophy points you needed to get your current trophy title to the number of points you need for the next one.

So, based on it being 60%, it might be something like you needed 45 trophy points to get your current title, and when you get 75 points you get a new title. Something like that.
But there are different Trophies, ones are for number of posts and others for number of likes, which one of those this mod tracks ?
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