Not a bug User stays in "User permissions" list after everything has been reset to "No" / 0

Jake B.

Well-known member
Affected version
Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 9.36.23 AM.webp

I've removed all user permissions assigned to "Admin" by setting them to "No" for flags, and 0 for integers yet the user still stays in the list, I've removed it from the list of moderators as well during this process. The same is happening for user group permissions on some nodes
It's due to orphaned permission entries that haven't been cleared up by the add-on that created them.

You can clean them up using the "Clean up permissions" tool under "Rebuild caches".
Looks like it was from some legacy add-ons that were installed, was fine to remove them in this case but I can imagine something like that isn't an option for people waiting on XF2 versions of add-ons, maybe a "Delete" button on user permissions, group permissions for nodes and such would be helpful to completely remove all permissions associated in that section? Or showing permissions for disabled add-ons in the permission editor even
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