[RT] User Rank Images

User Rank Images 1.2.3

No permission to download
LOL? Seriously now... you release this within an hour of asking Shelley if you can use her graphics, no reply.. yet you do it anyway. You didn't even give credit to her for using http://xenforo.com/community/resources/double-ribbon-ranks.841/

On Shelley's thread, it is pretty clear..

Conditions of use: This pack may be used on forums, websites but cannot be redistributed or repackaged in any way shape or form for any reason without prior consent of the author.
Two questions.

1. What is font used on demo image ribbon please?
2. How to define usergroup id for new image?
I figured it out now :)

One issue though, As Admin, it lists the ribbons of.. Admin, Mod, F1 Driver and FIFA Member.. But on my profile only have Admin and F1 driver selected. What would be the problem here?
I figured it out now :)

One issue though, As Admin, it lists the ribbons of.. Admin, Mod, F1 Driver and FIFA Member.. But on my profile only have Admin and F1 driver selected. What would be the problem here?

You need to be a part of that User Group.
Okay, okay. ;)

I didn't want to download it and start using it until this weekend, but I'll have to start early I guess :)
You have probably added the wrong ribbon to the wrong UserID. Understand?

Nope I haven't, there are 4 ribbons in total, of which I've repeated the code 4 times and changed the group ID for each one.

<xen:require css="userrankimages.css" />
<xen:if is="@userrankimagesActive">
    <ul class="RankImage">
        <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 3, @userrankimages1UserGroup} AND @userrankimages1">
            <li class="RankImageOne">
                <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 4, @userrankimages2UserGroup} AND @userrankimages2">
            <li class="RankImageTwo">
                <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 17, @userrankimages3UserGroup} AND @userrankimages3">
            <li class="RankImageThree">
                <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 19, @userrankimages4UserGroup} AND @userrankimages4">
            <li class="RankImageFour">
Nope I haven't, there are 4 ribbons in total, of which I've repeated the code 4 times and changed the group ID for each one.

<xen:require css="userrankimages.css" />
<xen:if is="@userrankimagesActive">
    <ul class="RankImage">
        <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 3, @userrankimages1UserGroup} AND @userrankimages1">
            <li class="RankImageOne">
                <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 4, @userrankimages2UserGroup} AND @userrankimages2">
            <li class="RankImageTwo">
                <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 17, @userrankimages3UserGroup} AND @userrankimages3">
            <li class="RankImageThree">
                <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 19, @userrankimages4UserGroup} AND @userrankimages4">
            <li class="RankImageFour">

You don't need to edit the template. You edit all the settings in Appearance -> Styles -> Your Style -> User Rank Images

If you need help i can help you via IM on skype. :)
I'm getting some notifications that my templates might be outdated after installing this addon, I'm upgraded to latest xenforo.
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