Fixed User last activity doesn't follow permissions

Jake B.

Well-known member
Affected version
If I have a "Super secret admin forum" which is only visible to administrators and any other user views it via the link directly it shows that the user is "Viewing forum Super secret admin forum" when viewing their account as an administrator

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I notice this also as I have a secret forum where the user activity shows that he is viewing the forum where he is actually seeing an error page. So, hopefully this can be improved somehow to show the actual activity of the user “viewing error page”
I'm unsure whether this will be a bug, or not. You can only see it because you have permission to view that forum. Anyone else checking that members activity will likely just see them as "Viewing forum".

So, actually, it does follow permissions, in that sense. We'll look at it properly the next time we're triaging bugs though to see if it can be improved. If it can't, at this time, then it may get deferred to being more of a suggestion.
I only noticed it as someone had thought a normal user was viewing admin forums, so just took a bit to figure out exactly what was causing that to show :)
I think it works pretty well as is, they didn't get to see the forum, you are aware that they tried, the only thing I'd like to perhaps see is an error symbol to acknowledge they didn't actually see it.
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