Lack of interest [User Interface] No avatars on 'Members who voted'-list.

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Well-known member
Go to this poll:

Click on the amount of votes to see the 'Members who voted'-list.

2 points:

  • There are no avatars. Making the list less recognizably and not in line with XenForo's social look&feel
  • I never quite liked the fact that (also in vBulletin) it somehow seems a bit 'hidden' that you can click on the amount of votes to see such a list. I mean, it is a logical place, but to me it always seemed a bit 'hard to find' (on vBulletin for instance I dis-covered (good fitting word!) it purely by coincidence). But this is just a very minor thing and not important enough to change... just something to think about maybe. Point 1 is the one I wrote this suggestion for.

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I agree, it should be up to par with the rest of the forum like the followers list etc where members are displayed in the blue box.

Maybe even two column layout as there are not many big username's that stretch across the entire popup
Stating the obvious, but when you click on the 'x other like this' link, you will get a nice overview [Members Who Liked Message xx], presenting you with the Avatars and all kinds of other useful information about the members in 1 single overview.

The overview that is presented to us on [Members who voted] is just a list of links with no served additional information, unlike on the useful [Members Who Liked Message xx] popup. Why not use the same list for the polls?
  • I never quite liked the fact that (also in vBulletin) it somehow seems a bit 'hidden' that you can click on the amount of votes to see such a list. I mean, it is a logical place, but to me it always seemed a bit 'hard to find' (on vBulletin for instance I dis-covered (good fitting word!) it purely by coincidence). But this is just a very minor thing and not important enough to change... just something to think about maybe. Point 1 is the one I wrote this suggestion for.

Maybe it's actually 'important' enough to change. I just discovered this suggestion from Brogan:

The majority of my members have no idea how to check who voted for which option in a public poll, despite me telling them over and over again.

Only having the click action on the total votes makes it easy to overlook and difficult to click.

I've edited the template to apply the action to the results bar too, but it would be great if it applied to the whole row and there was hover css applied, a change of background colour perhaps, as well as a tooltip.

I indeed miss a tooltip and yes, somehow it's just too hidden/not obvious enough to have this (hidden) links on the results only. I like the thinking of putting the action also on the results-bars.

Or anything else that makes it more clear to the enduser that they need to click on the votes to be able to see who voted. (I was thinking of even adding an extra text 'Click on the votes to...', but I guess that might be overdoing it, since a good UI needs to be self-explanatory)
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