User group icons

User group icons 1.0.2

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Anyone have a mechanism to hyperlink the icons? I'd like users to be able to click the group icon and be taken to a defined page for that $post.user_id
For example, a group icon for resources, and when clicked the user is taken to the post users listing of resources, eg. /resources/authors/abc.123/
Would be amazing to have that feature.
Looking through Template Modifications, I see that member_tooltip and message_macros are not being modified as they should be. I see the search string, but the template is not being modified. Apply count is zero.
Okay, so here are the errors. I have no idea how to fix them, though.

The icons do appear in member view.

In message_macro, the search phrase "<xf:userbanners user="$user" tag="div" class="message-userBanner" itemprop="jobTitle" />" does not exist. So something changed in that template. This is why the icons do not appear in messages.

In member_tooltip, the search phase does exist, but it is not being replaced by the addon code. I don't know why. This is why the icons do not appear when you hover over the user name.
I have a temporary fix. At least for part of it.

To display the group icons in the messages...

The issue is that they changed the template, so the original search string does not exist anymore.

Go into the template message_macros

Search for the following line: <xf:userbanners user="$user" tag="div" class="message-userBanner" itemprop="{{ $includeMicrodata ? 'jobTitle' : '' }}" />

After that line, add the following code:

<xf:if is="$xf.options.grgiShowGroupIconsInPosts">
<xf:macro template="gardolir_group_icons_macros" name="post_icons"
arg-icons="{$user.grgi_user_group_icons}" />

Your icons will now work in messages. I haven't looked to fix it for tooltips yet. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

Of course, this will all break if another update changes the message_macros template. But there it is. For now.
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