User fields in custom user list


Well-known member
Hey guys,

I'll keep it short. I created a page with a callback, here's the PHP:


class TRG_Memberlist_Users
    public static function getSupporters(XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract $controller, XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract &$response)

    $criteria = array(
        'secondary_group_ids' => array(9)
    $options = array(
        'join' => XenForo_Model_User::FETCH_USER_FULL,
        'order' => 'username'
    $users = $controller->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User')->getUsers($criteria, $options);

    $response->params['users'] = $users;

And this is the template:

<ol class="section memberList">
   <xen:foreach loop="$users" value="$user">
     <xen:include template="member_list_item">
       <xen:set var="$noOverlay">1</xen:set>

That works great, but now I would like to get the value of a custom user field. I found Jake's solution in a thread:

Unfortunately I have no idea where to put the code into my PHP file, is there anyone who could point me into the right direction?

Thanks in advance! :)

I think that with the code that you have, you can use the example mention at that other topic, to display the value of users custom fields. If you want to exlude invalid and banned users, like in the example from that other code, add those values to your own $criteria array. Like so:

$criteria = array(
            'user_state' => 'valid',
            'is_banned' => 0,
            'secondary_group_ids' => 9

In your case, you are pulling info for users that belong to only one certain secondary group, and you do not need to array it. You can array the second group ids when you want to use more than one id.

And then you can use the example mention at that other topic, to display the value of users custom fields.
Hello wang,

thank you very much for your kind reply :)
I forgot to mention, that I meanwhile added more usergroup IDs, so my PHP looks like this:


class TRG_Memberlist_Users
    public static function getUsers(XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract $controller, XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract &$response)

    $criteria = array(
        'user_group_id' => array (3,4,5,45,30)
    $options = array(
        'join' => XenForo_Model_User::FETCH_USER_FULL,
        'order' => 'username'
    $users = $controller->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User')->getUsers($criteria, $options);

    $response->params['users'] = $users;   


Now there is still the problem, that it doesn't work when I add
$users = $userModel->prepareUserCards($users);

I'm still a beginner with PHP, so please apologize my questions :(
That is because you do not have defined the user model. But you can add it with the controller. Like so:

$users = $controller->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User')->prepareUserCards($users);
Okay, thank you, it stopped displaying errors and I think that's quite good :)

I now tried to wrap a text in the following conditionals to check a specific user field, but for some reason it doesen't work:

<xen:if is="{xen:helper userFieldValue, $userFieldsInfo.rank, $user, {$user.customFields.rank}} == 'Premium-Supporter' ">
   Text to show

Is there something wrong?
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