Fixed User experience of add activity summary section


Well-known member
Affected version
This might be better off as a suggestion but this threw me for a loop longer than it should have and seems like it needs some sort of "fix".

When viewing the activity-summary page without development mode on you see the setup like:


Which leads you to believe you can simply add a summary section:



To someone who doesn't know the feature well, the error message seems like you're trying to tell them to do something they're already trying to do.

I understand now about the definition only after using the search which led me to turn on dev mode and then find it. Maybe link "activity summary definition" to the appropriate page or set a conditional if you have no sections don't show the button but instead show a message saying they need to add a section first (with a link).
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.2.0 Beta 2).

Change log:
Fix activity summary definitions not being imported/exported as expected.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
Ran into same issue. As it seems already fixed for the next beta, but to prevent these blank modal:
Look if your db table xf_activity_summary_definition is empty. I have reconstructed the contents. Just import these sql query:

INSERT INTO `xf_activity_summary_definition` (`definition_id`, `definition_class`, `addon_id`)
    (X'6C61746573745F706F737473', 'XF\\ActivitySummary\\LatestPosts', X'5846'),
    (X'6C61746573745F74687265616473', 'XF\\ActivitySummary\\LatestThreads', X'5846');
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